Cronica enables banks to transform their document authentication process for the digital world: accessible, convenient, and secure.
Featuring multiple integration levels, Cronica eliminates the need for human intermediaries and makes authentication frictionless for banks and their customers.


Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation

Use Cronica to empower your digital transformation strategies. Eliminate physical steps in authenticating your customer’s documents for greater document security and accuracy, and fewer operational risks

Programmable Documents
Programmable Documents

Each Cronica document is programmable and can be verified, changed, or revoked in real-time. Check and verify ‘live’ documents and have their status reflect the time of verification, not the time of issuance

Self-Service Document Authentication
Self-Service Document Authentication

Allow your customers to generate their own documents from any location, at any time. WIth Cronica, make document authentication as easy and intuitive as online banking

Reduces Costs
Reduces Costs

Cronica significantly reduces the human resource cost of authentication. Documents can be generated and verified with minimal to no manual input

Eliminate Fraud
Eliminate Fraud

Greatly reduce operational risks associated with the generation, verification, and handling of critical documents. Cronica helps to virtually eliminate document forgery and identity fraud

Security and Privacy
Security and Privacy

Cronica uses a combination of blockchain and non-blockchain technologies to immutably secure customer data. Documents stored on Cronica can be verified without disclosing any information

Generate And Verify Secure Programmable Documents Of Any Type

  • Cronica

    Document smart contract exists within the Quorum blockchain and expiration date is either not set or now() < Expiration Date

  • Cronica

    Document smart contract exists within the Quorum blockchain but is revoked by Issuer (invalidated by issuer)

  • Cronica

    Document smart contract exists within the Quorum blockchain and expiration date is either not set or now() >= Expiration Date

  • Cronica
    Not Found

    Document smart contract does not exist on the Quorum blockchain.

Real-World Cost Savings Examples

Account Statement

Credit or Debit Certificate

Liability Certificate

Deposit Insurance Certificate

Cronica Cronica

Certificate of Financial Capability

Balances Certificate

Solvency Certificate

Company Under Establishment Certificate

Account Statement

Credit or Debit Certificate

  • Cronica
  • Cronica
  • Cronica
  • Cronica
  • Cronica
  • Cronica